Frequently Used Options

Rich HTML Report

Preacher can export a rich test report in HTML format, which visualize test results and provide actual requests and responses.

When given a directory path in -R or --report option, Preacher exports the test report to that directory. The directory is automatically created. When given path/to/report as a report directory path, path/to/report/index.html should be the entry point. When running Preacher on CI, you may save the report as a build artifact.

Control Console Outputs

By default, not SKIPPED test results are shown in the console. It is useful for debugging your test cases, but will be noisy when your test scenarios become huge. The output level control will help you find important errors.

$ preacher-cli --level unstable scenario.yml

Allowing Random Errors

Web API cannot always responds due to communication errors and so on. To allow these errors to some extent, Preacher supports retrying. you can set the retry count by -r or --retry options. The default is 0 (no retry.)


Preacher retries while not only request fails but also a validation doesn’t succeed.

Extreme response delaying can affect the testing process. You can set the timeout by -t or --timeout options (in seconds). The default is none (no timeout.)

Retrying should have intervals to avoid overloading. You can set the retry interval (in seconds) by -d or --delay options. The default is 0.1. The default is 0.1.

Concurrent running

To reduce runtime, Preacher can run scenarios concurrently by -c or --concurrency options The default is 1 (run serially.)

By default, the running unit is each scenario: cases are run in order, not concurrently. When given ordered: false to a scenario, then the cases of the scenario will be run concurrently.

label: Unordered cases.
ordered: false
  # These cases can be run concurrently.
  - label: Case 1
  - label: Case 2