!argument: Define an argument

Using !argument tag, you can define an argument placeholder, which is filled with argument options given on run time or Parameterized Test.

A not filled argument is regarded as null value.

!include: Including other YAML files

Using !include tag, you can include other YAML files. This tag is available anywhere in your scenario.

!include path/to/other.yaml

A good practice of this feature is locating subscenarios on subdirectories.

label: Subscenario inclusion example
  - !include subscenarios/subscenario1.yml
  - !include subscenarios/subscenario2.yml

UNIX-like wildcard expansion is available. A wildcard inclusion results in the list of matching inclusion.

!include path/to/*.yml


Anchors in a included YAML are not available in including YAMLs, because the included YAMLs are parsed after the including YAML is parsed.


Names of included files should not contain any wildcard characters because not all of the wildcard expansion rules are covered.

!relative_datetime: Give a relative datetime value with a format

Using !relative_datetime tag, you can give a datetime with a format relating to the executing datetime.

  delta: -60 seconds
  format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s"
The Definition of Relative Datetime








The duration from the origin to the desired datetime.


Timestamp Format


The datetime format, Which is used not only to dump a datetime value but also to parse the compared datetime value.

When simply given as a string, the value is regarded as delta.

# These expressions have the same meaning.
- !relative_datetime 3 days
- !relative_datetime
    delta: 3 days


A Duration is given as a combination of one or more string values in particular formats.

  • When given time such like 12:34+01:00, then uses the combination of the relative date and the given time.
    • When given plural time like 12:34+01:00 23:45+02:00, even though it has no reasonable meaning, then uses the last part (23:45+02:00).

  • When given an offset, then uses the datetime that the request starts.
    • Days, hours, minutes and seconds offsets are available.

    • When given a positive offset like 1 day or +2 hours, then uses the future datetime.

    • When given a negative offset like -1 minute or -2 seconds, then uses the past datetime.

    • When given plural offsets like, then uses the total offset.
      • 1 hour 2 minutes means “62 minutes later”.

      • Note that -1 hour 2 minutes means “58 minutes ago”. It is interpreted as -1 hour plus +2 minutes.

  • now means zero offset, the same as 0 second.

Here are some examples:

  • now: just the evaluation starts.

  • 1 day: after a day later.

  • +1 hour +1 minute: an hour and a minute later.

  • -1 hour -2 minutes: an hour and two minutes ago.

  • 12:34+01:00: the combination of the date that the evaluation starts and time 12:34 with an hour time difference between London.

  • +1 day +2 hour 12:34+01:00: the combination of the date that is an hour and two minute later and time 12:34 with an hour time difference between London.


A Duration can also be an absolute datetime to be compatible with matcher arguments such like be_before.

Timestamp Format

  • When given iso8601, then the format is an ISO 8601 format.

  • When given another string, then the format is regarded as a format string in format codes, almost all of which are required by 1989 C standard.

!context: Use a Contextual value

Use a contextual value of a given name. See context for details.